Everyone today knows the benefits of acupuncture. But there is acupuncture and then there’s acupuncture with Cristina Torres-Moore. Dr. Cristina was recommended to me a few years ago when I was looking for an acupuncturist to maintain my health. In that time, she has helped me avoid the colds and flu that plague Chicago in the winter and has treated me for an injury with great success. Her background as an MD means she really is the best of both Western and Eastern worlds: she doesn’t just treat her patients, she heals them. Her level of caring and compassion and focus on each patient is like nothing I’ve ever experienced—-even house calls! There is no more affordable, painless and actually enjoyable way to take care of yourself. I can’t recommend Dr. Cristina highly enough. Give yourself the gift of good health and make an appointment. You’ll be as happy and as healthy as I am.
Marianne Cahill