Cosmetic Acupuncture, as all Oriental/Eastern Medicine treatments, involves the patient in a gradual, healthful process that the practitioners at Integral Alternative Medicine LLC customize for each individual. It may include other treatments in conjunction with acupuncture, each of which will be explained if are required for your care. Cosmetic acupuncture is in no way analogous to a surgical facelift. There is no cutting and pain is minimal.
In receiving cosmetic facial acupuncture, you can and should experience some of the following changes:
- Improved muscle tone
- Decreased puffiness around the eyes
- Firming of sagging skin
- Elimination or reduction of fine wrinkles
- Even skin tone and improved luster of complexion
Results vary from person to person and can not be warranted.
Talk to your practitioner to see if you are eligible to receive Cosmetic Acupuncture. Patients suffering chronic or debilitating conditions are not suitable for this type of therapy.
Additional information will be discussed with you at your first time consultation, where an evaluation will be made. The usual Cosmetic acupuncture protocol requires of approximate 10 consecutive sessions accompanied by lifestyle and dietary recommendations.