Acupuncture has a proven track record of success but if you haven’t yet added acupuncture to your health care routine, then it’s important to note that your experience will greatly depend on the acupuncture provider you ultimately choose. And the best way to determine the right acupuncturist for you is to identify your specific health care needs and goals. It makes sense, right; when we like and trust our health care providers, our experiences tend to be more positive. And trusting a provider is easier when you know they have the proper training and credentials to address your specific needs.
And if you are here on this website, you already have this goal in mind. Different states and jurisdictions have different training and educational requirements. Don’t hesitate to ask about training, specialties, or advanced education. We want you to be confident in our care.
Identifying Your Goals
This is an important step in determining if we are the right fit for each other. Are you looking for a practitioner with a specialty in the issue you are facing or are you looking for someone who will be your primary health care provider? Or are you looking for someone who will work closely with your current MD? Just as we do a health intake with new patients, don’t be afraid to ask about training, education, and practice philosophy. The answers to these questions can help both of us determine if this partnership in health will be a success. Practitioners need to know what they hope to achieve and patients need to be confident in a practitioner’s ability to meet their needs.
Important Qualifications
Acupuncture is a respected field of medicine and most states require formal training and certification to practice. It is not uncommon for most states to require three to five years of study and a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine from an accredited institution, as well as passing a state board exam. If you are not sure what the requirements are in your state or area, you can visit the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine website to get an idea of what is the norm in your area. Not every acupuncturist is certified by this Commission (or needs to be) but it is a great reference in understanding and learning more about different acupuncture specialties and requirements, especially if you are looking for a practitioner who specializes in a particular technique or health concern (i.e. chronic pain, fertility, men’s/women’s health, etc.).
Get Your Questions Answered
Don’t be afraid to call our office and get your questions answered.
Acupuncture works and could be a great addition to your health care routine. Give us a call today to make an appointment or book an appointment here. Achieving your health care goals is always with the time and money investment it takes to get there. Call today at (312)631-3095.
Disclaimer: This article contains general information about health topics and it is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice. If you have any questions related to your condition you should contact your doctor or healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.